We all know that there is not much use in summer clearance events because you won't get much wear out of them this season; after all, summer is only a quarter of the year. You really, really want that bikini and those shoes and some new cutoffs, but we all know they all resemble the same outfits you've been wearing for weeks. Now, there is not much that we can do about running out of summer clothes and considering the aforementioned lack of warmth the remainder the year, it is not the time to revamp your wardrobe for the next half of summer, but you can revamp your attitude.
So, tie up your hair wash your face. Lay on a facial and take a hot bath. Read a book. Listen to some new music. Watch a movie. Go for a run. Hangout with yourself for a night, take in that you still have a month of relaxing and that everything will fall into place because you have all the time in the world. Maybe the next time you get dressed, your newly relaxed self will think to change it up a little, take a little more of a risk because even though it works 100% of the time, maybe not relying on every black item of clothing you own, you'll want to lighten it up to match your stress-free summer self.
So much love,
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